What Kills Caterpillars: 8 Tips on How to Eliminate Them

what kills caterpillars - caterpillars on leaves


Are you infested by caterpillars in your house, offices, or schools? Here are effective ways to control caterpillar infestation.

Caterpillars can be destructive such that they eat leaves and destroy crops. A caterpillar is the larva of a moth, butterfly, and leafworm.

They are not friends of the farmers as they love to destroy plants. Due to their destructive effect, many people have asked important questions like – what kills caterpillars? 

Why Should You Get Rid of Caterpillars?

what kills caterpillars - caterpillar on a leaf

One could think caterpillars are too cute to be destructive because they grow to become beautiful butterflies or moths.

This assumption is not true because caterpillars need a lot of food at this stage of their life cycle. As a result, they eat broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, basil, cauliflower, and cabbage.

As a result, it is important to apply treatment for caterpillars to get rid of them.

What Kills Caterpillars: 8 Tips on How to Eliminate Them

Here are eight tips that will help to get rid of caterpillars;

  1. Organic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)

It is found in the soil. It is a natural bacterium with a toxic body that kills caterpillars. Their toxic body prevents the caterpillars from eating and in turn, they die. The effect of organic Bt can be unfair to critters too but it causes no harm to helpful garden organisms, humans, and animals.  

Since Bt is organic, there is no cause of alarm to use it in an organic garden. All one needs to do is to properly rinse the vegetables before consumption. As regards the choice of Bt granules or spray, it is more appropriate to purchase organic and not genetically modified choices. Genetically modified Bt granules could be more detrimental to lives.

  1. Water and soap

Water alone might not do the job and hence, adding a little soap to the water will go a long way. Of course, soap and water will not kill the caterpillars but will make the leaf surfaces slippery for the caterpillars to stay.

More so, regular spraying makes them unattractive to the plants and may eventually find a better place for their activities because they always want to eat.

  1. Garlic and Pepper mixture

This mixture is a familiar home remedy for different insects like aphids, plant-eating worms, and cabbage moths. The ingredients necessary to make the solution are;

  • One teaspoon of Red pepper flakes (Dried)
  • One teaspoon of soap
  • A full bulb of garlic (minced)
  • A gallon of water

Blend these ingredients and allow the mixture to be for more than 24 hours. Get this solution into a spraying device and spray on all plants till all the caterpillars are completely gone.

  1. Create an environment for birds

This suggestion is best suited when the farm is not for cereals. Although caterpillars prefer tomatoes and other veggies, they also love to feed on leaves on cereals and grains. Any of the suggested solutions will work effectively for a cereal farm.

However, if the garden is for veggies and flowers, create an environment for birds to feast on the caterpillars. One can have a birdhouse for chickens close to the garden. Allow the chickens to roam about the garden to pick up these crawly creatures as food. This is the best way to kill caterpillars. 

However, this may require creating a space or clearing a part of the garden if there was no previous space.

  1. A thin mesh cover for plants

Going to the root of the matter is to prevent moths or butterflies from the garden. This may be difficult but one can reduce their activities that may bring about caterpillars. Get a thin covering (mesh) to prevent moths or butterflies from laying eggs on the plants.

If this is properly done, one will prevent caterpillars, hornworms, and other crawly insects from devouring farm produce.

  1. Manual Removal

Another way to eliminate caterpillars is by handpicking. Handpicking can be quite difficult because it requires a lot of time. Nonetheless, it is an effective solution. The reason is that the caterpillars have no place to run to or hide as one can put them away from the garden or even squish them.

Either one squishes them or keeps them afar off, there is a higher chance that they will not return. Keep them in a bag or bucket and dispose of them far away from the garden. One can expose them to intense sun or feed them to chickens in the yard.

  1. Grow caterpillar repelling plants in the garden
what ills caterpillars - caterpillar on a leaf

Just like some plants repel bigger pests and rodents, some plants repel caterpillars too. These plants can be grown in between the flower bed or vegetable garden to keep the caterpillars away. This is an effective treatment for caterpillars. 

Examples of plants that repel caterpillars are mugwort, lavender, peppermint, and sage (these are the commonest of the options as they have proven to be potent over the years). They produce a nice smell to the garden. More so, some of these repelling plants are edible and can be of quick use at homes.

  1. The Use of Chemicals

The use of caterpillar pest control seems to be the deadliest yet most effective way to get rid of caterpillars. Caterpillars are a result of eggs and hence, can be many. In such cases of serious infestation, the best option is to use chemicals to kill caterpillars.

Nevertheless, there is a need to be careful of the effect the chemicals may pose to life if such vegetables are consumed. It is better to go for the chemical that has proven to be safe for organic gardening.

Caterpillar infestation can be a big problem if proper care is not taken. Do not leave anything to chance. Get rid of them now.


As other pests do, caterpillars make farm produce less attractive and unmarketable. The best way to avoid this is to make provisions for a way to eliminate the pests.

Hence, “what kills caterpillars” is always a valid question one must answer.